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A Letter To My Teenage Self - Life, Love, and Lessons

Hey girl! It's you...dam near 30....scary huh? Well I thought after reflecting back on these precious years on earth I should tell you a little something as you enter 9th grade, yep you are heading into high school and no you don't have to worry about freshman Friday (it's a myth!) but we do have a lot to chat about! 

You are in one of the best schools in the nation, take advantage of it. Yet with that you are also in one of the most stuck up and obnoxious schools in the nation. Some of your class mates are ruthless and just plain mean. You still have not broken out of your shell yet and you are unbearably shy. You are afraid to even answer a question when the teacher calls on you (you dread that!). This makes you a huge target for bullying. It pains me to see how people treated you in school and breaks my heart that you let them get away with that. You are an extremely bright and talented girl and although you are so delicate right now you will toughen up. This experience (although no teenager should have to endure) will be part of the reason you are who you are today. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and state your opinion, you have a great mind and are entitled to all the opinions that you have! Don't let anyone laugh at you because your dream is to be a fashion designer at Ralph Lauren even though you don't have that Prada back pack that all the girls are carrying around at school (spoiler alert: you become a designer at Ralph Lauren). You will learn that earning the things you want in life is so much better and rewarding than getting handed everything and you will work hard and you will get what you want...because you deserve it! 

You know your best friend you have right now? You won't be talking to her anymore and for good reason...she was never a true friend and you see signs of this throughout high school although never accept the facts until later in life, but that's ok...this is something you need to learn to see the people who really matter later on in life and who are worth still being in your life. You know your friend from first grade? You both still keep in touch (although not as much as you'd like) and she was one of your brides maids in your wedding! So was your friend you went to dance classes with since you were 3 years old, she's getting married next year and you'll be in her wedding too. Friends will come and go and you will meet some amazing and not so amazing people in your life, but the ones that matter...you will always end up getting back in touch with no matter how many months or years went by...you will hold on to the good ones. It's true what they say too by the way...1 good friend is always better than 5 fake friends.

You will date and make some pretty poor choices in men...sorry just being honest! You will also meet someone that you will date for a number of years around graduation time. In the beginning you will try to convince him that you already graduated high school but he will find out that you are a senior when he sees that 2013 tassel hanging from the rear view mirror of you green Chevy rally sport. Whoops! You will think he's "the one" and girrrrrl you will lay your heart on the line. This my friend is what will be your first major heart break. He will leave when you need him most and he will hurt you...bad. You will cry and cry until there are no more tears and you will lash out, yet right when you feel like you are on the mend...he will come back and start the process all over again. It's a vicious cycle and you will eventually move on and take this experience as a learning experience and realize that this is just  what you need, the lessons you need to be able to fall in love again and to learn what true love really is! 

Your parents are amazing! You may not think that now but they were always the ones who believed in you, the ones who knew that your boyfriend was not right for you yet didn't forbid you from seeing him because they knew this was a lesson you needed to learn on your own. Their hearts also broke every time yours did, but it broke for you! They aren't perfect but they are perfect for you and they will still love you no matter what horrible things you do or what mean names you call them (and yes it will break your heart when you think back about all the things you put them through, so slow your roll sistah). Your brother and sister (as annoying as they may seem now) are such incredible people and your best friends. Although they are younger than you they will make you so incredibly proud and you will be amazed and what strong, astounding, adults they grow up to be. Oh and your sister has a baby! She's turning one and your heart nearly burst the moment you laid eyes on her. Although things will change in your family as the years go on you will all grow to love each other even more and more every day. You will be closer to your parents and siblings more than ever before and although you will regret what you put them through in your teenage years you will do your everything you can to make them proud and happy once you get through your "phase" senior year into your early college years. 

You have a huge battle to fight with the next coming years and there will be times where you think you aren't going to be able to make it. You will hurt, cry, feel like a failure, and pray that every bad and horrible thing that happened to you never happened, and although no one ever deserves what you went through it will make you who you are today! You grew out of your awkwardness, you are comfortable with who you are and you love yourself!! You make YOU happy because you learned no one can make you happy unless you are happy with yourself and you have achieved practically every goal you set for yourself. Everything you wished, everything you dreamed came true! You know why?! Because you learned from all of your mistakes that you made over and over...and over again. You speak your mind and you broke out of that shy shell. You are proud to be you and your family STILL has your back always! Most of all you are so much stronger than you ever thought you could be and you enjoy and appreciate all the incredible things life has to offer because you know how quickly it can be taken away. These years are going to be hard, I won't lie, but I'm also not lying when I tell you they will be worth it and you DO deserve only the best...Don't ever forget that.



  1. i wonder would we change things if we could actually find a letter from ourselves in the future? i know hen it came to boys, i was so hardheaded when i was younger.

    1. Everything that happened in the past molded us into who we are today and I think as long as we learned from those lessons and just try to keep improving our self as a person I think that is what's important.

  2. What a wonderful post, lady! It's crazy what we worry about when we are young and how much changes.

    1. Thanks! So true, some priorities def change, and that's a good thing!

  3. I also wonder if we would change our decisions by receiving info from our future selves.

    But, who you were, shapes who you are now - - - hmmm interesting

    1. I agree. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and as long as you learn from your lessons, that's what's important.

  4. I had to giggle at the love choices...because aint that the truth, but I think i'd still do it all the same way!! Great post girl! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. I am so sorry to read that you were bullied. I am so glad you were strong enough to overcome! The things we did as kids though stupid at times brought so many life lessons! Glad you are on a happy path!

    1. It's all good girl! I def got stronger from it and the people who were the "bullies" from what I have heard ended up having very sad lives, I actually feel bad for them.

  6. love this letter to yourself. i really wish we could go back in time and smack some senses into our younger selves.. but then, how can we learn from our mistakes if we don't make them?! love what you said about friends - so true!

    1. Thanks! I totally agree, we have to learn from our mistakes, our many many many mistakes lol

  7. This is such a great post! So sorry about what you had to go through in high school - teenagers can be SO cruel. But totally agree that all our choices/things that happen make us who we are today, even the bad stuff!

    1. Thanks! It def made me so much stronger. I wouldn't change anything!

  8. I love this!! Man i made some dumb ass choices when I was younger but hindsight is 20/20. Thankfully we all turned out ok right?


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