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Calling In Sick

Hey loves! Just stopping by to let you know I'm still here...I woke up the other day with a nasty cold/flu, I don't know what it is. All I know is I feel like crap and my head is too clouded to write anything of significance. As I attempt to kick this cold's butt with cough syrups, cough drops, Emergen-C, tea, and water I hope you have a fantastic weekend and I will see you next week!
Any tips on getting rid of a cold fast?!


  1. Oh no. Hope you feel better soon. I just started taking Airborne because everybody around me is sick. Feel better soon, take care of you!

  2. i swear by zinc the second i feel sick. it stops or lessens it. i hav a detox bath on the blog and some shower steamy sthings if you feel up to them. feel better.

    1. I'm going to have to try that out. The detox bath sounds perfect for today, thanks!

  3. Aw! Sorry you aren't feeling well.

    Hot tea and water are great - Emergen-C got me really beyond sick - Don't know why.. moving on.

    Get some chicken soup (or even chicken broth) .. 1,000,000,000 grandmas can't be wrong ;)

    1. That's crazy that the Emergen-C got you so sick! Tea and water have been my go to beverage for the past few days. Soup sounds like it might be on the menu for today. Thanks girl!

  4. Get better soon!! (or hopefully since I'm late with this comment you're already better...yes?)

  5. Try Mucinex. It's awesome. Had something similar about 2 weeks ago.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

    1. Mucinex really is awesome isn't it? since last year it has been my go to for all cold symptoms.

  6. Feel better soon! Colds and flus are the worst. Feels like you've been knocked off your feet, so rest up :)

    1. Thank you!! They are the worst...Felt like I got hit by a mack truck!


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